Old School MTG / Finland

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Berserking Dreadnoughts

Slotherine wrote a great report of North star cup IV/2021, and organized the whole thing - very well done! This article is just a short note on the winning deck.

As soon as I browsed the Scryings card list I knew I had to play masks - my copies deserved dusting after sitting in my binder for at least 15 years! Originally I thought about going either of the routes of the 2 other mask decks in the tournament, but was not happy with either when testing them.

Then it struck me: berserks and noughts kill in one turn! And U/G berserk is a strong deck by itself. Maybe I could build something there. As bonus, mask would create a real minigame with multiple 1 cost creatures, as Garfield intended.

I basically took Prote’s UG berserk list from Spring tournament as basis, and crafted my deck on top of that - hat tip to you for the great base!

In the tournament the deck behaved very strongly, either comboing opponents away, or more often, just beating them away even if combo was not drawn. I really think this deck is quite strong, and worth of further development, if you feel up to it.

Some notes for future development:

  • Psionic blast is the easiest slot to change in main.

  • 1 Pendelhaven could be in, but I wanted to be sure of non-tropical forest to sacrifice to elephants.

  • Bazaar is good for digging with library, but not necessary. Could be a Lat nam’s legacy easily.

  • Moxen and Lotus I can quite easily see as 1 Llanowar elf and 2 Quirion rangers - then Pendelhaven would make even more sense.

  • Blue power is the hardest to replace if you are playing with budget. If needed, I would try 1 Sylvan, 1 Serendib, 1 Unstable. If you are not playing with blue power, probably makes sense to get rid of Regrowth too.

  • I think 4 Lat nam’s leagacies would be too much for the deck.

  • In sideboard, Boas are for both red and blue decks - for red you want to swap elephants to boas.

  • Ice storms is sideboard were a stupid plan for mazes. Primal order would be much more interesting against some deck after they have wasted their disenchants.

  • Finally, cutting some pair from side to get more 3-ofs there would be good…