Omelettes for the Fallen

Long time, no see. Tournaments have been running, but no blogposts have been coming up. Thought I’d write shortly of my deck in the latest one (93/94 SWE), as the deck was quite sweet to play. Result was 2-2, but casual games between rounds get me the impression that there is definitely promise for more. Hold my own against counter burn, even stole a single game from the Deck :-)

I started my deck building this time wanting to play this:

Rukh egg is the natural companion, and the Caretaker/Fallen angel package follows from that. I have to say, Fallen angel really, really surprised me positively. In a creature-heavy deck like this it makes combat/bolt math really troublesome for opponents, and it also does great alpha strikes to close games. If playing this again, I would find the fourth one.

The most important lesson for deck like this with caretakers and angels is that you really want all the creatures you can get instead of spells. That is the reason for scavenger folks instead of shatters in side too. I would actually still like to increase the amount of creatures in main deck a bit from what you see above. Canditates for creature slots include Avoid fate, Earthquake and Bolts.

Few big mana cost creatures are in as Metamorphosis payoffs / late game threats. In this category I do not own Rock hydra, would definitely play one if I had it (without it, could maybe cut 1 Metamorhosis). And if you do not care for style, second Trike or Dragon is better than Tetravus.

I also strongly felt I needed more punch for early game, and added Trolls, Disks and Bolts, which later felt really good idea indeed. As a bonus, Disks and Bolts also break eggs… However, I would in hindsight cut Bolts for more Trolls and Disks.

I considered legends like Bartel and Xira main deck, but Bartel is not so good with Metamorphosis, and Xira went to sideboard for slower matches only. Living plane in sideboard was planned for surprise strikes with Angels, but during tournament I also realized it works really well with floating mana for a threat and blowing disk. Could be interesting to play single plane and the fourth angel main..

Some further notes about some cards:

  • Reincarnate was cute but did not do much. Would cut it.

  • 1-2 Metamorphosis seemed nice, but would not play more.

  • 1 Diamond valley felt enough here with all the angels and disks. Without disks, would probably need 2.

  • Imprison in side is for juzams, robots to swap for the main deck terror.

  • Jalum tome is not just clunky way to make Caretaker fodder - it is also really nice for filtering draws in topdeck mode. 5/5, would keep on playing.

Update in 8/2022:

I played new version of this deck in Lipevä 2022, a lovely live end-of-summer tournament after all those covid months. The updated version is below, and I think it is quite close to where I want this deck to be. Last ideas:

  • Blazing effigny could be cool instead of bolt(s), especially with second Diamond valley replacing metamorphosis.

  • In side, Tsunami should be Tranguility

  • Otherwise easies slots for tweaks are in my opinion Metamorphosis, Trike and 1 Caretaker.


North star cup IV/22 - 10pt, 100 card Singleton


North star cup I/22 Alpha to Alliances