Ghost Wizards Cup 2024
People might be aware that the Keldon Warlords roam here, at the frozen and dark corner of Dominaria. But there is another crew..
We gathered with a friendly and cheerful group of players to celebrate the second annual Ghost Wizards Cup at Vallila, Helsinki.
The night before (friday 7 points singleton+drunken cube) took it’s toll and I without naming any names, one very tired psychiatrist had to drop out of the main event. On Saturday we the remaining 13 played Swedish b&r Old School with reprints, allowing original frame and art, IE/CE. Also allowed were the common Revised misprints. No foils.
Nice venue for a small tournament. When you don’t play, you can just relax.
I love the smell of napalm in the ehh, afternoon.
Wide field of decks and players from beginners to veterans.
Tuukkeli is trying to use headpictures in his mindbrain.
Couple of guys at the end of the table that look to be thinking about something really hard, but actually just preferred to play some friends that go sideways every turn and a mixture of artifacts and spells that kill your opponent dead. Our finalists.
Finalists battling. The picture is actually from the swiss. Orcs lost here to atogbots 1-2 only to revenge 2-0 in the finals.
Fun prizes. Ghost Wizards also sold some nice swag on spot, like a cool t-shirt showing in the winning deckpic!
1st Slotherine
2nd B1zz4r0 (best unpowered)
3rd Croakz. Pic is missing underground seas, sinkholes and underworld dreams.
4th Tuukkeli (spice prize)
5th Pett
6th Roope
7th ansn
8th pehmeegoo
9th Jukka
10th Warru
11th Prote
12th Janne deckpic missing (MonoB Dreams)
13th kidsofthedeadworld
So in the end I did what I had to do and secured victory to the Warlords. Thank you Ghost Wizards for an amazing and chill gathering!